»In Search of the Zeppelin War – The Archaeology of the First Blitz «

Authors: Neil Faulkner & Nadia Durrani
Paperback · 160 pages · 150 illustrations

By 2.30 a.m. on 17 June 1917, the German Zeppelin L48, flying north along the coast beyond Harwich, was in trouble. The mission had been doomed from the start; Zeppelin L48 crashed in a field at Theberton Hall Farm. After weeks of official salvage, the souvenir-hunters moved in to pick over the site for any micro-debris that had been missed. By late summer, Theberton’s ‘Zeppelin Field’ was reduced to a vivid memory and a set of grainy photos. Of L48 itself – some 200 metres of girders, wires, and fabric – nothing whatsoever remained. Or so it seemed.
…The Zeppelin War over Britain in 1915-18 is sometimes overlooked as the first Battle of Britain. This book comprises a full introduction to the history and archaeology of the first strategic bombing campaign in history – the Zeppelin raids – based on pioneering new excavations and archive research. This is the story of the first Blitz, featuring a full account of the preliminary Zeppelin crash site excavation and also covering airfields, gun sites, searchlights and radio listening posts. The book features contemporary accounts and archive photographs, alongside the reports.

> Available in February 2008
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